Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Why do YOU gather?

The surgery sabbatical and summer for that matter is coming to a close. Schools are back in session, our photos from fabulous vacations are finally fully uploaded, and the crazy rhythm of life beats against us once more.

During Around The Table's sabbatical these last four months (has it been that long...jeez), we asked YOU our faithful friends what it means to gather around your table, to share a meal with others. Thank you to all those who shared your stories with us. While we can't post them all, we'd like to share a few of our favorite stories.

"Uninterrupted and no distractions are rarity these days. As humans, we were made for fellowship and community. Gathering around a table, breaking bread together, and joining in conversation is an age old tradition that should be cherished today. I truly believe that what happens around the table is what brings Life to our lives." -Morgan

"This modern century has given us many wonderful technological advances. However, despite the constant connections and friends we can now have at the touch of a button, rarely if ever do we find ourselves a part of a real community. Community. The evasive and sometimes argued utopic ideal that can never truly be found. I myself have often wandered the globe in search of it. It's funny, now looking back, the few times I've stumbled upon it have actually been with others, all of us gathered around a table sipping a drink and swapping stories." -Charlie

"Growing up, my family always ate dinner around the table. We would sit down, one of my parents would read from a daily devotional, and then we would eat. My parents separated when I was nine, though, and our family meals around a table pretty much stopped after that. Despite the fact that we spend all of our holidays together, we rarely sit down and feast around an actual table. Since going off to college, I've shared meals and made some of my closest friends while sitting at dining room tables. Some were essentially card tables in a dorm in London, others were custom-made to be as big as a dining room would allow. Being around a table requires patience, effort, and a willingness to sit and do nothing but engage with other humans while you stuff your face with food. It's one of the hard beauties--worth every bit of work that is required to make it possible." -Sarah

"As a born and bred southerner, the art of dining and hospitality is engrained within me. It's a heritage, a trust-fund so to speak that keeps on giving me joy. I absolutely love to host! There is something so special about gathering friends, new and old within your home. My husband and I get invited to parties all the time at venues but there is nothing like being within someone's's just more personal." -Diana

"The youngest of four kids, my parents were more drivers than cooks. There was always a practice or an appointment to get to. Dinner at our house was never really a thing. I think maybe that's why Thanksgiving was and still is my favorite holiday. For one day at least there was no schedule to keep. My family, as crazy as we were, could at least sit down together and share a meal...well in between the games of course. Now with my kids, my husband and I try to slow down and have a meal at least once a week not once a year." -Robin

"Working in the event industry allows me the chance to see and experience some amazing and truly awe-inspiring parties. Despite the fabulous nights, nothing beats my pjs, a bottle of wine, and my best friends. For me gathering is not about the fancy events we see in the movies or read about in books. It's about taking the time to share time with those who make up your movie or your book." -Emily 

Thank you to all those who submitted a story, it was such a joy to read about how you gather around your table. As we leave summer gatherings behind, I know we all are ready for fall. Around The Table is wishing for falling leaves, brisk weather, scarves, boots, and darker tablescapes. Come October Around The Table is going for a fun and rather magical theme. Tune in soon because you don't want to miss this reveal...