Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Surgery Sabbatical

These last few months were the start of a beautiful beginning. Launching Around The Table in April was a brain-child born. It was a fun, amazing, and true joy to see unfold. Ever since moving back to Nashville in 2014, I've felt this pressing to bring people together. I've felt the silent urging to connect Nashvillians from all walks of life and to do it around a table. Simply letting a piece of wood with a cooked meal atop it be the catalyst for community. Not a new idea...just making it a consistent one. I found this quote (side image) on Pinterest awhile back. I loved the thought behind it...I guess I was saving it for this season. Suddenly I just knew its time to start something new & trust the magic of beginnings.

It's funny how Jesus works sometimes. Just about the time I began gearing up for our launch, my body truly began slowing down. For more information and my authentic health journey check out:Turning The Page.

Due to the necessity for me to have surgery, Around The Table will be taking a sabbatical for June & July. This will allow me the time to heal and begin anew.

I am excited for new beginnings. Fresh new starts for my own health and Around The Table come August. It is my goal and hope it be back in the swing of things in order to enjoy the last remnants of summer with dear friends Around The Table.

We won't be gone for good, I promise! During this surgery sabbatical, I will have ample time to post and hear your comments from my bed as I recoup. Share with us your favorite Around The Table memory! What is it like for you and your friends, you and your family, to gather around your table? I'll share them here on our blog. To submit a story or to learn more about us please email

If you think of us during this next season, please pray this prayer with us:

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Mother's Brunch

Although Mother's Day was a couple of weeks ago, Around The Table Nashville hosted a brunch today to honor the mothers in our lives. It was a lovely spring day in Nashville, the perfect amount of sun and shine! The guests included our own mothers, women who are practically our mothers, and our spiritually mothers. We truly believe all we are, or ever hope to be, we owe to these wonderful women we call our mothers. The tablescape was not afraid to go bold with color! It was bright, sweet, and incorporated with hints of gold for a little punch.

Around The Table brunch menu was a blend of light, savory, sweet, and refreshing. A mimosa bar greeted our friends/mothers upon their arrival. The warm aroma of fresh coffee welcoming those needing a bit of caffeine this morning. A true southern touch to the beverage bar was iced peach tea, made from scratch. A fresh fruit display and salmon cucumber bites gave friends a healthier option. A Na-HASH-ville casserole, spinach quiche, and baked oatmeal served family style offered a tasty option. Friends enjoyed a treat with lemon and cranberry scones served along side raspberry bite-sized coffee cakes. 

The heart of the brunch could be found in the conversations and stories shared from mother to daughter, friend to friend, woman to woman. Table Topics are not only a way to get to know one another, but a key attribute to being Around The Table. A few tears were shed but many more laughs could be heard as these amazing mothers shared their lives with us. Below are few of our Table Topics from this morning:  

What made you laugh this week? 

What's the best thing about being a mom?

What's the silliest thing one of your kids did when they were young?
What is a time when you threw your hands in the air and said "I give up!"
What do you wish you'd done before you had kids?
What’s the best thing your children can do for you right now? 

Why are moms SO excited about grandkids? 

What are some words that describe motherhood?

What's the hardest thing about being a mom?

Yes, these women are mothers, yes some of them are our mothers, but first and foremost they are women. Amazing, beautiful women who love life, their friends, and their families. Most of the relationships between these women are going on 20+ years, some even longer. To see them all gathered Around The Table was a complete and utter joy. 

Our Moms

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Sneak Peak

As our May brunch Around The Table draws closer...we can't help but think about going bold with color! Spring is in full bloom here in Nashville. Green, purple, pink, yellow...the landscape awash with bright vivid hues. Take a look above for a sneak peak of our inspiration board (curtesy of Pinterest) for May's upcoming event.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Italiano Al Fresco

We are official! Our kick-off event for Around The Table Nashville is complete! It was a true joy to spend the evening al fresco (well at least until the thunderstorm rolled in). For our first event we chose to gather our dearest friends. Around The Table is intimate and selective--we always want the conversation to be inclusive which is why we feel twelve is the best number.

The theme and menu were easy to plan. After spending last summer in Italy and seeing this amazing spread it was a must for the first meal to be Italiano! I will never forget the way the Italians share a meal--every inch of the table covered with delectable food and beverages. Each detail a pleasure to the senses.

Greeted with a hug at the door, our friends kicked off their shoes, a crystal glass of prosecco limencello cooler with mint and raspberry placed in their hands. Cocktails and happy greetings concluded once everyone arrived. Moving out onto the patio, each friend found their own name etched on place cards marked by wine corks.The organic Italian tablescape illuminated by candlelight, softened by rich burgundy floral decor. Friends circled around and after a brief thankful prayer began enjoying the evening meal. The first course included an antipasto spread with fresh bread and caprese salad.

Table Topics are incorporated into the evening as a way to facilitate and keep conversations flowing. One by one each member of the table is allowed the chance to read their respective question aloud with all friends chiming in with their authentic answers. Table Topics are lighthearted, conversation starters, a way for everyone to connect, engage, and get to know each other throughout the meal. My personal favorite is: "If you had to lip sync battle against Jimmy Fallon, what 2 songs would you choose?" Each friend busting out their favorite and most-loved tunes was absolutely selection being Water Under The Bridge by Adele and Shut Up And Dance by Walk The Moon.

The entree's for the evening included a blend of Italian favorites, spaghetti e polpette and pollo alla parmigiana. For the non Italians that's spaghetti and meatballs with chicken parmesan. Rustic vegetables were also served as a light side. The spirit Around The Table was warmth relaxation. Rarely, if ever, do we let ourselves have a night off. A night off from our responsibilities as a wife, mother, roommate, partner, employer, employee etc. Being Around The Table for an evening allows the opportunity to, wine, beauty, and each other. What a joy it was to see the evening unfold from antipasto get to knows to dessert heart to hearts. We finished our time together with a trio selection of gelato, Italian chocolates and cookies, as each friend shared one thing about themselves they are proud of. Let's just say I was proud of each and everyone for being honest, gentle with themselves, and kind to each other. Sharing a meal Around The Table is rare for many of us...but truly taking a moment to compliment ourselves for who we are is even more extraordinary.

Looking back on Saturday night, we cannot help but feel an overwhelming blur of emotion. Thankfulness for friends who simply join us Around The Table. Gratefulness for those who give to help make it happen and abundant joy for the countless memories yet to be made. Around The Table Nashville is now official and we cannot be more ecstatic to share it with you!

What Are We Serving Next?

May is for Mother's. We will be celebrating with all the incredible mothers who've impacted us more than we can even begin to describe. More details to come. For more information about Around The Table Nashville please email us at