Sunday, October 30, 2016

A Magical Evening Around The Table

I fell in love with the world of Harry Potter when I was eleven. The very same age Harry was when he realized he was a wizard. Mesmerized by his Wizarding World, I followed Harry on his incredible journey. As chance would have it, the seventh and final novel was published the very same year I turned 17 (for you Muggles this is the age Harry is within the final novel). For all accounts and purposes, I, like so many others my age, literally grew up with Harry Potter.

I am a pretty ordinary person, yet on this subject matter I fully embrace my "geekdom". Many family members and friends ask me why I love Harry Potter so much. I've given many answers over the years yet the truth is simple: the wondrous imagining of J.K. Rowling is what first inspired me to become a writer. At the age of sixteen, I began the cathartic process of scribbling down a story under a pseudonym. I posted it online and was surprised to find that many actually enjoyed my musings, it was a very "unexpected guest" I assure you.

You see, it is these little gifts in life that build us into who we are. For me as a writer, as a creative artist, as a friend, as a woman who seeks to be of character, I trace many of these life-lessons to my late night re-readings of the boy-who-lived and loved. In a way I began to love my own story through loving his.

So-how else should we here at Around The Table spend a Halloween weekend then celebrating a favorite fictional world with our Friends? Around The Table gladly went to Hogwarts this month!

Platform 9 3/4:

Decorations filled every nook and cranny of our castle. There was a little magic everywhere! Friends were wowed the moment they arrived at Platform 9 3/4 (the front door). From potions classroom to our very own Owlery, House Points lined the mantle on the fireplace where Around The Table's very own Hogwarts letters arrived. 

Owl Post-Platform 9 3/4-Potions-Sorting Hat-Herbology-HP DIY Tattoos-Spell Books
Hogwarts Crest-House Points-Hogwarts Letters-HP Books-Magical Plant Display Case-Defense Games

Sorting Ceremony: 

Invited guests were sent their very own letters via Owl Post (to see our Hogwarts letter click here). Requirements included arrival at Platform 9 3/4, house robes/costume attire, as well as a virtual sorting ceremony. All houses were represented at Around The Table! Gryffindor (6) Ravenclaw (6) Hufflepuff (3) and Slytherin (1). Each place card was individualized to denote name of guest, Hogwarts House as well as the prided characteristics of each individual house. 

Place Setting: 

Gold goblets, chargers, and utensils. White linen napkins with wood rings accented by cat tails. Table Topics were displayed on the back of individualized Daily Prophets! Headlines ranged from all of Harry Potter's journey: Harry Saves Philosopher's Stone all the way to Dark Lord Defeated. 


This whimsical woodland tablescape was designed to incorporate the Great Hall and the natural magical world. Dried flowers, moss, and plants set the backdrop while framed photographs, potions, and real-life floating candles transported Friends to Hogwarts. 

The Burrow-Spellbooks-Quill-My Own DIY Wand
Drought of Living Death

Set and Ready!

Table Topics: 

Around The Table is different than a normal dinner party. Guests only bring themselves...although some do try and bring a bottle of wine now and again (southern roots still run deep it seems). We provide everything...including table topics. Questions which facilitate a single group conversation. So often when we go to parties we find ourselves huddled in a corner only talking to one or two people. More often than not there are three or four conversations going at a time. We are wired by culture to do. This is how we at Around The Table choose to be different. Each topic for discussion is thought-about, muddled-over, and chosen specifically for our Friends.

As we gathered around, chatted, and got to know one another something surprised me. Ironically, a pattern of behavior, personalities began to emerge. Patterns that were very well distinguished amongst each different Hogwarts House. Ravenclaws were curious, processors, witty, full of banter and puns. They tended to be quiet, yet when they spoke were very eloquent and well-spoken Hufflepuffs were funny and kind. They included others in the conversation and sought to look at the light side of magic. Our Slytherin House was very diplomatic, clever, not afraid to speak their mind as well as point out what they agreed or disagreed with. Gryffindor's dived into conversations, mostly speaking in personal-story format. Like Slytherin, they too were not afraid to speak up for what they believed in.

This month Table Topics included: 

  1. Why do you think you were sorted into your respective house?
  2. What was your favorite Halloween tradition growing up?
  3. If not Harry Potter, then what book series did you enjoy reading when you were younger?
  4. What career would you have in the Wizarding World?
  5. Harry had great friends...what does it mean to be a good friend?
  6. It feels like fall when...
  7. Do you believe good will always triumph over evil?
  8. What is your favorite Halloween costume you've ever worn?
  9. Why do you think Harry Potter sacrificed himself?
  10. What fictional universe would you want to live in?
  11. What animal would you want to be your Patronus?
  12. Harry spent 11 years isolated and then 7 years at Hogwarts learning about friendship, family, and community. What has life taught you about real community?

Fanciful Feast:

Our Friends got to enjoy a complete feast! Appetizers from Hogsmeade included fresh walnut and cranberry bread loaf, British cheese display, as well as savory meatballs. Anything of the trolly too! Golden Snitches, Chocolate Frogs, and Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans (yes they mean every flavor!). Libations ranged from ButterBeer to seasonal beers, Exploding Lemonade, Madam Rosmerta's Sparking Spiced Cider, as well as fresh homemade pumpkin juice. 

Dinner menu included fresh ham, full chickens, soft rolls, grapes, apples, Shepard's pies, roasted potatoes, savory bean medley, and hot corn on the cob! If that wasn't enough dessert was topped off with Pumpkin Pie and Dutch Apple Crisp!

Liquid Luck Send Off: 

What's a Harry Potter party without a bit of potions? As the night concluded, Friends got to take home a vial of their very own Felix Felicis, commonly known as "liquid luck". We hope our Friends choose to use it well!

Next Month: Around The Thanksgiving Table....

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